I wonder how many readers can guess where the above is?
It isn’t a large lawn of one the posh houses – it’s a bowling green. And you’ll only see it if you cross the railway line at Melrose Avenue or go the long way round through the Carr Lane estate (even then you’ll have to cross the line of course). It’s the green for Hoylake Central and Melrose Bowling Club, tucked away behind a tall fence and a locked, brown gate (see below). It’s even more discreet than the St Luke’s Tennis Club which, if you don’t know, is opposite the Co-op car park that’s behind The Row.
I took the photos earlier today on what’s been a more typical winter’s day; cool and sunny. Quite nice for a change …hands-up if you’ve been getting rather cheesed-off with the strong winds! I’m quite looking forward to Jack Frost paying a visit over the weekend.
By the way, you can view the weather data collected by the Hilbre Island weather station and this graph shows the wind gust speed so far this month have exceeded 60 knots (around 72mph) – that’s very nearly hurricane force on the Beaufort Scale. Unfortunately for some, that’s also pretty high on the blow your garden fence to pieces scale too!
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